It’s that time of the year again. When I have to cope with a quivering wreck of a dog when fireworks go off. Actually, living in Rutland, the fireworks tend to only last a few days. A friend living in a city has to cope with a similarly afflicted dog for weeks. Diwali, Bonfire night, ‘the fireworks were reduced’ weekend, Uncle Sam’s birthday. Never ending bangs and whooshes and a dog under the dining room table, speechless with fear.

Which reminds me (Uncle Sam that is, not the dog under the table) that the American presidential elections are upon us. I can’t remember a more vicious campaign and neither I guess can those of you who have lived through many a frightening time.

Public office should a privilege and a calling, not to be taken lightly and certainly not to be taken for self aggrandisement. We are so fortunate to have here in Whissendine both the Lord Lieutenant and the High Sheriff. Laurence and Sarah are shining examples of what a public servant should be. As was the recently retired Dean of Peterborough Cathedral, the Venerable Charles Taylor. All three have striven to use their office for the good of others.

But, back to the fireworks. I can’t persuade Daisy not to be frightened of large bangs. But I can re-assure her with my presence. Sometimes the world is a very frightening place. We can’t, it seems, make the frightening things go away but we can be there for each other. Perhaps you could buy yourself an Advent calendar ready for November 27th and each time you eat a chocolate (one a day only!) choose an act of service to perform?

And for those waiting for a Bible bit to finish …

‘Whoever wants to be great among you must be your servant’. (Jesus, aka the Servant King)


The Revd Janet Tebby
01664 474096
