May 2015 WI meeting report
The business at the May meeting took up a great deal of time. After a lengthy discussion about the 2015 Resolution about health care the majority of the members voted for it and also for the amended wording. Pat Lake is to be our representative for the one hundredth meeting. As there was little time left the remainder of the meeting was given up to chat, wine and delicious nibbles instead of the planned activity. Pat was congratulated for her excellent organization of the two day break to Dorset.

Forthcoming meetings
June 16th: we will hear ‘The Story of Brooksby’ when Malcolm Britton will be the speaker. The competition is for the oldest British coin.
July 21st: Anna Stasinka will give a talk about ‘Tea Tasting’ at the meeting on July 21st. The competition is for a homemade Teabread.