Volunteers came together to celebrate Christmas at a Rutland pub restaurant in December. Gwen Griffiths thanked all volunteers for their dedication to the Scheme which is being used as a model by other villages in Rutland and Leicestershire. Sam Asplin, the new parish councillor came to talk to us about the scheme recently and has offered his support with a couple of issues.
Once more this year we would like to ask all people in the village to be ‘Good Neighbours’ during the winter months. Please look out for the elderly or housebound, especially during snowy weather or during power cuts. If you are fit enough to clear the path to your own door, consider doing this for someone who is less able. (The Prime Minister assured us that we won’t be sued for doing so!) If there is a power cut and you are fortunate to have a wood burner or gas fire, invite someone in who is reliant for heat on electricity, or at least take them a kettle of hot water to make a cup of tea.