Thanks to Ram Odera of Mace village store for organising the village Bangra Night again this year. Five hundred pounds was donated to Rainbows and money was raised for the Sports Club.

Volunteers from the Sports Club manned the bar and cleared up while the rest of the village slept. Their impromptu rendition of The Village People’s “YMCA” (not the Bhangra-ised version), performed behind the bar, shall remain in village collective memory for some time to come. Perhaps permanently.

Well done Whissendine residents and friends of the village for supporting the event, dressing up and taking to the dance floor. Rumours circulating about the creation of a Whissendine Bhangra Dance Troupe, under the guidance of Bhangra-maestro Ram, appear unfounded despite the impressive dance moves displayed by guests on the night.

If you have photos of the event for display on the website, please email them to