Tea Cosies

It has been a while since I wrote anything for the Grapevine but I have been busy with my own knitting. I design and knit tea cosies which I sell locally and this has led to some commissions. Firstly, I knitted a canal themed teacosy for a couple who live on a narrowboat; this was great fun to do! Next I had an order for two ‘more tea vicar?’ cosies for a customer who had bought one previously. Finally, and most importantly, I knitted a wedding present to give to my stepson and his wife. Rose loves baking so I knitted a blue cupcake teacosy and put it on a white teapot that we filled with money! The top half of the cosy is covered with two hundred beads in shades of cream and pink.

Meanwhile, my knit and natter ladies continue to produce scarves, tissue purses, mittens and hats for the Christmas shoeboxes, and squares for rescue cats. I would also like to welcome two new members, Joanne and Beryl. So no pattern this month but I will just say ‘Happy Knitting!’

Jill Fenby-Taylor, Whissendine 207