Notice from Whissendine Parish Council
This is to let all of you who have missed it know that it’s planned to bring out two editions of the Grapevine before Christmas. The first should be distributed in early November, if not right at the start of the month, and the second at the beginning of December. Thereafter it should be back on track with a monthly edition through the door as usual.

Editorial copy: comment, event news and regular features, should be with Bryan Penny by 15th October at the latest. There is no change of Editor.

IMPORTANT: calling advertisers
If you are a regular advertiser on a annual basis you should receive an invoice in the next few day from the Parish Clerk.

If you wish the magazine to carry an advert for your business each month, please make contact. Copy and payment will be required and you will be given details of the costs per unit of space on a page.

If you are an occasional advertiser then the clerk is also your contact.

For all advertising contact:

The new advertising rates will be plus 10% on 2014-15


Size Price (12 issues)
1 page £154
1/2 page £98
1/3 page £77
1/4 page £63
smaller £35


One-offs from £15 (full page) £12 (3/4 page), £11 (2/3 page), £9 (1/2 page) through to £7 (1/3 page).