Parish Councils came into being with the Local Government Act of 1894 which separated civil and church functions. The name can cause confusion. It’s the Parochial Church Council that deals with the affairs of St Andrews while Whissendine Parish Council is concerned with village matters. (In Wales they are called Community Councils which seems a better job description.)

sample meeting

Whissendine Parish Council meets in the Village Hall and all residents are welcome to attend.

In law the Parish Council functions collectively as a single entity, which must make decisions in meetings. It is the first tier of local government. Parliament has given it the power to raise money through local taxation (the precept) and powers to spend it in the service of Whissendine to improve the quality of life and the local environment. The Parish Clerk is an employee of the Council, the administrative officer whose job it is to see that decisions made are carried out effectively, efficiently and within the law.

The Council normally meets on the 1st Monday of the month at 7:15PM in the Village Hall (entrance at the back door) and everyone is welcome to attend. There is also village general meeting in March of each year for a wider discussion of the needs of the village normally held in the school hall. Click here for minutes and agendas.

The responsibilities of the Parish Council includes:

  • Street lighting (except for certain streets which is under the realm of the County Council)
  • The Village Green & Brook
  • Support to youth services
  • Village bus shelters and seats
  • Liaison with Rutland County Council on local services and highways issues
  • Support to other village organisations as the need arises
  • Administration as Trustees of the Long Clawson Land Charity (click for more information)
  • Support to the burial grounds which are owned by the church
  • The Banks, including maintenance of the Brook, Play Area and play equipment
  • The village environment, which includes employing the weekly services of a caretaker
  • Participation in the planning process, both individual applications and the development of new RCC policies concerning their impact on Whissendine

To review planning applications currently under review by Rutland County Council which will be discussed for input at the Parish Council Meetings, click here. Reference numbers for current applications can be found on the Parish Council Agenda.

Local Knowledge

William Farr
Chair, Whissendine Parish Council

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Parish Council

  • Whissendine Parish Council
  • Councillors
  • Accounts
  • Meetings
  • Village land