May Meeting

The aim of WEG is to take action, through small practical projects and community engagement, to make Whissendine a greener, more sustainable and more attractive community to live in.

Our next meeting will be held on Wednesday 11th May 2022
6.30 pm in The White Lion Function Room

New members, previous attendees and anyone interested – all welcome

Please email if you intend to come or have any questions

Spring Litter Pick

Do you have a couple of hours to spare?

Come and join us on Saturday April 23rd at 10.30 on the Village Green.

Let’s tidy up our beautiful village – ready for the summer and the Jubilee bunting!

We have some high-vis vests, and a few helping-hand tools to share. But if you have your own, please bring them.

Please email if you intend to come or have any questions

Latest News
For the latest news from Whissendine Environmental Group, see their entries in the News page here.

If you would like to be involved in Whissendine Environment Group or have any questions or suggestions please contact WEG at:

Parish Plan
Whissendine Environment Group (WEG) was formed as a result of the Parish Plan to action the environmental recommendations arising from it. To download the plan and action table, click here.
